বানিজ্যিক সেবা:

ছবি তোলা, ইন্টারনেট ব্রাউজিং, ইমেইল, চাকুরির তথ্য, কম্পোজ, প্রিন্টিং, স্ক্যানিং, ফটোকপি, লেমিনেটিং প্রভৃতি ।

I will design cool craigslist ads

Boring Craigslist Ads?
Give it a PROFESSIONAL Look! 
I design Cool Craigslist Ads!
Image Ads attempt to create a favorable mental picture of a product or firm in mind of consumers. This image aims to associate the advertised product and/or firm with certain lifestyles or values.

Image Ad's basic 
functions are:
  1. Increase consumer awareness
  2. Convert the awareness into familiarity
  3. Use the familiarity to influence consumer buying behavior.

$5 Basic Gig includes:
  • 1 Ad Design (jpg or png format)
  • Revisions (maximum of 4)

What I need to get started:

  • logo
  • some advertising wordings for your product/property
  • contact number
  • website / address
  • some good pictures :)
*note: If you don't have some of these it's just OKAY :) :) :) 
My buyers are really happy with my work.
You can check my customers' reviews below :) 

Don't Forget to Check the EXTRA GIGs below to UPGRADE your order
So Get your Cool Craigslist Ads!

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